Join the Racial Healing Project


Join the Racial Healing Project

The Racial Healing Project is a program operated by Global Marketplace, a non-profit advocate for economic justice. We call this the Racial Healing Project because we believe everyone has some healing to do around the effects of racism.

Global Marketplace is dedicated to achieving economic justice for everyone. Prejudice (and in particular racism) is one of the principle reasons many people cannot get a good education and then find productive work.


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Our two main initiatives are:

Conversations on Racial Healing: a series of nine meetings to learn about and to discuss racism and racial bias. The series is designed to provide information on several topics related to race relations and to offer a safe place to voluntarily share your experiences regarding racism. The goals are:

  • to educate the mind with new facts and research about types of racism
  • to examine life experiences and share from your heart
  • to build relationships with other groups so we can support each other’s efforts to accept others without prejudice

Share Dinner and Discussions on Racial Healing: an informal share dinner (potluck), followed by a discussion/dialogue on race prejudice and race unity. The goals of these monthly meetings are to build relationships with people who don’t look like us and to build support for race unity. We explore several topics more deeply through speaker panels, videos and discussions in a safe, respectful environment where people can share their experiences.

To see our topic of the month, click here.

We invite you to explore the initiatives that we have developed in the Racial Healing Project!  Just click on the links in the drop down menu under the RACIAL HEALING PROJECT tab.  On these pages you will also see stories/testimonials from participants and links to books, videos and other resources on race prejudice and race unity.

If you would like to join our email list, please fill out our Contact form.

You can also visit our Facebook page at: https:/